F O U N D E R  /  E  X E C U T I V E   D I R E C T O R

Corinne Preston

Corinne recently held a funded position for 2 years as the Director of Communications and Design at the Center for Cultural Affairs at Indiana University. She has been an Adjunct Professor at Indiana University for almost 10 years, teaching courses such as graphic design and arts marketing at the O'Neill School of Public and Environmental Affairs and the Eskenazi School of Art, Architecture, and Design. 

Along with Jade Design, Corinne runs a freelance business called CP designs. Her professional experience includes work as a senior associate for Gnarly Tree Sustainability Institute, a freelance graphic designer for Indiana University and Columbia University in the City of New York, a flash designer and writer in SoHo, a design coordinator for Montserrat Art Gallery, and a graphic designer for Lipman Hearne in Chicago. Corinne lives in Bloomington with her husband, two boys, and a labradoodle. She enjoys painting, photography, filmmaking, walking in the park, and watching her boys play sports in the community.
(Check out Corinne's portfolio corinnepreston.com)

P R E S I D E N T 

Jennifer Lee-Rawe

Jennifer Lee-Rawe is an associate professor in Sociology at Indiana University and an affiliated faculty member of Asian American Studies and the Center for Research on Race and Ethnicity in Society. Originally from Seattle, Jennifer and her husband moved to Bloomington in 2007. They live with their daughter, Olivia, as well as their dog, Cady, and cat, Chloe. Between work and shuttling Olivia to all her activities, Jennifer likes to bake and make floral arrangements, which she donates to local senior living centers.


Joanna Woronkowicz
Joanna is an associate professor at the O'Neill School of Public and Environmental Affairs at Indiana University. At O'Neill she teaches nonprofit finance, statistics, and courses in the arts administration program. She is also the founder and director of the Center for Cultural Affairs. Prior to IU, Joanna worked at the National Endowment for the Arts and at various nonprofits. She was a musical theatre actor for 25 years. Joanna lives in Bloomington with her husband, Scot, and three kids, Wallace, Earnest, and Otis. She spends her time being outside, playing with her kids, watching films, reading, and learning how to play the piano. 


Michelle Cohen

Michelle served as the IRC's Indiana Recycling Coalition's Executive Director for 8 years beginning in 2000, and was recognized as one of IRC's 30 Recycling Rock Stars. Prior to that she earned a Master's of Science in Environmental Science from the School of Public and Environmental Affairs at IU Bloomington, interned at Kosciusko and Monroe County Solid Waste Management Districts, and served as Director of the Brown County Solid Waste Management District for four years before leading the IRC. Still an IRC member, Still a member of the IRC (now called Circular Indiana), she currently resides in Bloomington and is a busy mother of two boys.

M A R K E T I N G  S P E C I A L I S T

Elsa Shao
Elsa is a master's student at the O'Neill School of Public and Environmental Affairs at Indiana University, pursuing a degree in Arts Administration and Public Affairs. She earned a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree from the School of the Art Institute of Chicago with a concentration in design and art history. Currently, she is a student ambassador of the O'Neill school and a project intern of IU's Office of International Services. Previously, she worked at several art fairs, galleries, and museums, where she gained management and marketing experience. Her goal is to use her design skills and aesthetic to help non-profit organizations to serve the community better and accomplish the greater good. In her free time, she enjoys cooking, playing with cats, reading, and watching documentaries.


Piske Lin
Piske is a UX designer with a background in industrial design and human-computer interaction. With over three years of experience in e-commerce, social innovation, and the wellness industry, she blends data-driven design with a deep understanding of user experience. She has worked in various roles, from consulting startups on digital products to leading UX and data visualization teams for non-profits. Passionate about both design and well-being, Piske enjoys exploring how technology can enhance self-care and mental health.
Recently, she launched a social media account (@piske_creative) where she shares insights on healthcare and design, focusing on apps, challenges, and personal experiences in balancing the two fields.
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